Contact: | 334-598-4466 |
We are in full swing and are busy learning!
Remember to:
1. Keep books dry!
2. Keep books away from pets or younger siblings.
3. Keep books away from drinks or food.
4. Read with clean hands.
5. Do not color,mark, or draw in the books.
6. ENJOY YOUR BOOK then return it for someone else to do the same!
Support our school when you shop online! If you log into before you shop and enter our school, we get money for the library! Families and teachers can earn cash too! Check it out. NEW FORMS WILL GO HOME IN SEPTEMBER!
If your family would like to check out books to read together in addition to your child's Accelerated Reading library book, we have several family reading packs available on any grade level (1-6). All books come in packs of 3 and can be checked out for up to 3 weeks. If you are interested, send me an email ( and let me know your child's name, teacher name, and grade level books you wish to check out and I will send them home with your child. Be sure to check their book bag for the family reading pack! You will be responsible for the pack and all books must be returned in excellent condition.
If you have any questions at all, please call the school during school hours or send me an email and I will get back with you!
It has been a GREAT school year so far. Let's keep it going.
Mrs. Hixson
- Library Forms