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Kindergarten Supplies

Windham Elementary School

Daleville City Schools




4 boxes regular size CRAYOLA crayons 24 count box ONLY

(Please do not purchase office brands- Important in teaching colors)

1 1 inch 3 ring binder (Durable brand, see picture below)

1 pencil pouch for 3 ring binder (see picture below)

2 expo dry erase markers

3 6 pkgs of glue sticks total of 18 sticks

1 pair FISKERS blunt scissors   - must be FISKERS                                  

1 small plastic school box (no bigger than 8" x 5")                        

   Not a cardboard or a zipper school box   

1 pkg of copy paper

1 box of Ziploc bags  (boys - quart size and Girls - pint size)

4 rolls paper towels

2 large boxes Kleenex

2 liquid soap

2 canister of Clorox Wipes

1 hand sanitizer with pump

1 book bag (large enough for a file folder to fit inside). Please write name on bag.

1 large pack of pencils (skinny) 24 count box

1 pack of heavy-duty construction paper

1 3 pack of white T-shirts in your child's size

1 large zip lock bag with a change of clothes including undergarments (season appropriate).

   Please write name on bag and keep in backpack for emergencies.




Be prepared to replace these supplies periodically during the school year.


The following items are not required, but if you would like to donate these things, it would be GREATLY appreciated!


White cotton balls                                 White or brown paper lunch bags       

Wiggly Eyes                                           Large paper plates or Small paper plates (non-wax)

Colored copy paper