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Fourth Grade Supplies

Windham Elementary School


Daleville City Schools

4th Grade Supply List



1 small school supply bag (preferably with a zipper)

1 composition notebook

4 packages of wide ruled loose-leaf notebook paper (replace as needed)

#2 pencils (replace as needed)

1 box of crayons and 1 box of magic markers

1 pair pointed scissors

2 glue sticks

2 1 ½ inch binder-No larger because there is no room in desks

4 rolls of paper towels

2 box Kleenex

1 ruler with inches and centimeters

2 pkg tab dividers (5 subject)

1 pkgs of  white copy paper

2 bottles of hand sanitizer

2 containers of sanitizing wipes

1 pack of 3X5 index cards (with lines)

1 pack of highlighters

1 pack of red pens


NO Trapper Keepers


Please label all supplies with your child's name.

Be prepared to replace these supplies periodically during the school year.

The following are not required, but if you would like to donate these things, it would be GREATLY appreciated!


Gallon/Quart size bags

Lysol disinfectant spray