Windham Elementary School
Daleville City Schools
First Grade Supply List
1 pack of white copier paper
1 ABC writing tablet
1 pack of loose leaf paper (WIDE-RULED PAPER, not college-ruled)
YELLOW pencils (minimum of 24)
8 glue sticks
3 boxes of 24 CRAYOLA brand crayons
1 pair FISKERS scissors
1 pack of dry erase markers (wide tip)
1 small school box
4 rolls paper towels
2 3-Prong PLASTIC folders with pockets (PLEASE NO PAPER FOLDERS.)
1/2 one-inch white view binder (with plastic covering on front of binder)
2 boxes of facial tissues (example: Kleenex)
3 refills of baby wipes (we do not need any plastic containers)
1 container of disinfectant wipes (example: Clorox)
1 bottle of liquid soap (or refill)
1 box of quart-size baggies
1 can of Lysol disinfectant spray
1 bottle of hand sanitizer
1 box of gallon-size baggies
The following items are optional, but would be very beneficial to each class:
Construction paper
Sharpie markers
1 box of eraser tops
*Please label all supplies with your child's name.
**Please be prepared to replace these supplies periodically during the school year.**